Government Agencies

Government Agencies

Monroe County Web Page

The Official Site of Monroe County Florida. The mission of Monroe County is to provide outstanding public service responsive to the needs of our citizens, our unique community, and our environment.

Monroe County Health Department

Monroe County Department of Public Works

Provides the highest level of maintenance services to protect and preserve County infrastructure and equipment in an efficient, professional and timely manner.

Monroe County Housing and Community Development

1100 Simonton Street 
Key West, FL 33040

Acts as a catalyst to bring together housing advocates and resources so that residents have increased housing opportunities for a decent, safe and quality affordable home and suitable living environment, and improving communities through revitalization and economic development.

Monroe County GIS Maps

Search and view parcel maps.

Monroe County Building Department

Responsible for the administration and enforcement of all ordinances applicable to building, construction, blasting and explosives as defined in the Monroe County Code.  Building Officials are charged with administering and ensuring compliance with the building code. This section issues building and construction permits and Certificates of Occupancy.

Monroe County Ordinances

The adopted code of Ordinances for Monroe County, FL.

Monroe County Code Enforcement

Promotes, protects and improves the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Monroe County through an effective code enforcement program. Because of the physical layout of Monroe County the Division is divided into three offices; Upper Keys Code Enforcement, Middle Keys Code Enforcement and Lower Keys Code Enforcement.

Florida Building Codes

The 2007 Florida Building, Residential, Existing Building, Plumbing, Fuel Gas, Mechanical, and Test Protocols

Monroe County Clerk’s Office

The core services provided include: filing court proceedings; filing and retrieval of documents such as arrests, traffic citations, affidavits, marriage licenses and other court related documents; collection of court fees; creation of court dockets and notification of participants.

Monroe County Property Appraiser

The Monroe County Property Appraiser is responsible for identifying, locating, and fairly valuing all property, both real and personal, within the county for tax purposes.  The market value of real property is based on the current real estate market.

Monroe County Tax Collector

A wide range of services, are provided by the Tax Collector, to the citizens of Monroe County, which include, collection of ad valorem taxes, non-ad valorem taxes, motor vehicle and vessel registration and title applications, collection of sales tax, issuance of hunting and fishing licenses, driver licenses, local business tax, and collection of tourist development taxes.

Monroe County Planning & Environmental Resources

Responsible for the administration of all ordinances applicable to planning and zoning as defined in the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. The Planning Department reviews all plans for new construction and development for compliance with the Land Development Regulations including environmental compliance and makes subsequent recommendations to the Planning Commission.

Your Tropical Home Away From Home

The Lower Keys Chamber of Commerce works with local businesses, individuals, and other organizations in the community to encourage success and paradise across our beautiful islands. Visit us for your next trip and enjoy relaxing beaches, exquisite cuisine, and breathtaking history.


  • 1-800-872-3722
  • Local: (305) 872-2411


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